HealthCare Staffing

We can help you attract and hire the right talent. From front desk to providers to leadership and everyone in-between. We start out with a free consultation to discuss your recruiting needs and goals. We’ll then help you map out a recruiting process and prepare a recruiting presentation that will engage and inspire candidates. As part of that process, we’ll help you set realistic expectations. We’ll build rapport with your candidates and make sure they have a great experience with your company. Along the way, we’ll collect and save data to help you build and maintain a strong recruiting pipeline. When we’ve identified a candidate that you would like to hire, we’ll help with vetting, and contracting.

Medical Recruitment

Simple, Affordable Recruiting solutions.

We invest in your practice.

Health E Staffing is a simple data driven recruiting agency.

We’ll make recruiting fast, simple and cheap.

We offer flexible and transparent billing. It is easy to see our results in the bottom line.

We build value

Recruiting is a people business. Candidates will have person to person contact rather than an automated messaging system.

We also track important recruiting metrics to help measure your recruiting goals and show our success.

We take it personal

We track and save recruiting data. If at some point you deiced to part ways with us, you keep the data.

Our candidates trust us because we take the time to build rapport. We learn about them as people in addition to their professional background. When you interview one of our candidates, you’ll


It starts with a meeting. Let’s find out if we are a good fit for each other.